Friday, March 5, 2010

Adam Kokesh Brings Hope that Change Can Come to Washington

Santa Fe Reporter says Adam Kokesh is a "Young Turk" in the mold of New Mexico-style Republicanism like former Gov. Gary Johnson. Adam is the local face of a movement that "brings hope that a change is going to come" to local libertarians and conservatives, independents and Republicans. As the article explains, "it’s true that Republicans, particularly the libertarian breed, have an opening." The Tea Party has already succeeded in giving libertarian hopefuls like Kokesh an edge.

Even as former state Sen. Grubesic admits that the New Mexico Democrats are corrupt, he is still so out of touch as to think that "liberty" and "the Constitution" are code words for hate. Kokesh gives voters an alternative to incumbent Congressman Ben Luján and his friends like Dolores Huerta, "who organized the United Farmworkers Union with César Chávez and is a board member of the Democratic Socialists of America. That’s right—a socialist."

Read the full article here: