Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Repeal the Federal Reserve 4-25


By Harold Gray
JustGetThere | Organizers from are planning to have a bigger effect this year educating the public about the history of the Federal Reserve system, and taking action to repeal the Fed with legislation introduced by Congressman Ron Paul. This years efforts include a viral internet presence, petitions to Congress, a D.C. phone call campaign and nationwide rallies at each Fed location and other major cities. The website has also been revamped since the last "End The Fed" events on 11/22/08. Tools on the site provide petitions and information for people to become signature gatherers and locally organize with others. Banners, forms and petitions are also available for download on the site. The nationwide Repeal The Fed Rally is on April 25th, and on April 27th the petition along with signatures will be presented to Congress, coinciding with the D.C. phone campaign and Ron Paul's speech at the National Press Club. JustGetThere attended and shot video of the "End The Fed" Houston rally with Ron Paul, and we look forward to covering this years event as well.

There is legislation before Congress that would End the Fed by repealing the Federal Reserve Act and restoring the power to issue money to the People via their elected Congress.
End The Fed petition to Congress reads:
In Support of the "Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act"
In order to re-establish a sound, constitutional monetary system, return the power to issue money to the People and their Congress and create the conditions for a renewal of our economy, which has been devastated by the current, unsound monetary regime:
We the People of the United States of America undersigned demand that Congress pass the "Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act", a bill to abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve Banks and to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, within the calendar year of 2009.
What are the goals of
Operation Repeal the Fed?
In addition to eventually passing the "Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act", this campaign aims to:
1. MAKE AN ISSUE OUT OF IT. Put the issue of the monetary system and the Federal Reserve squarely on the table for real discussion and debate by Congress and in the media.
2. WAKE UP THE PEOPLE. Educate the public about the Federal Reserve, the monetary system and the need for Sound Money for America.
3. MOBILIZE. Build the End the Fed! movement, recruit new members and build our grassroots coalition
