Thursday, August 19, 2010

The most heinous song ever written

I just came across the most heinous song ever. Mainstream corporate music has finally outdone itself. Never has a song been so distasteful and irritating. Even the band seems to hate this piece of crap. It's sung with such utter contempt that the only possible solution is for the band to commit group suicide. Warning, these lyrics may cause nausea, headache or depression.

"So sick of the hobos
Always beggin' for change
I don't like how I gotta work
And they just sit around and get paid

I hate all of the people
Who can't drive their cars
Bitch you better get out of the way
Before I, start falling apart

I hate how my wife
Is always up my ass
She always wants to buy brand new things
But I, don't have the cash

Well I hate my job, all my rich friends
I hate everyone to the bitter end
Nothing turns out right, there's no end in sight
I hate my life

How come I never get laid?
Nice guys always lose
How could she have another headache?
There's always some kind of excuse

I still hate my job
My boss is a dick
I don't get paid nearly enough
To put up with all of his shit


-Musical Interlude-

I hate that I can't tell
When a girl's underage
And how when I tell her she's a nice piece of ass
Then her daddy punches me in the face

So if you're pissed like me
Bitches here's what you've gotta do
Put your middle fingers up in the air
Go on and say 'Fuck you'


So much at stake
Can't catch a break
I hate my life

No there's nothing new
And it sucks to be you
I fucking hate my life


The first line really upsets me. How do you have a problem with hobos? So you are upset because a segment of society decides to do something about it and you have the gall to critcize them for it. That would be like if I hated McDonalds but I was to afraid to leave because I might run into ex McDonalds workers who I despise even more. Anyways I just thought I would share this song which I think reflects a lot about what is going on in society.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Adam Kokesh Brings Hope that Change Can Come to Washington

Santa Fe Reporter says Adam Kokesh is a "Young Turk" in the mold of New Mexico-style Republicanism like former Gov. Gary Johnson. Adam is the local face of a movement that "brings hope that a change is going to come" to local libertarians and conservatives, independents and Republicans. As the article explains, "it’s true that Republicans, particularly the libertarian breed, have an opening." The Tea Party has already succeeded in giving libertarian hopefuls like Kokesh an edge.

Even as former state Sen. Grubesic admits that the New Mexico Democrats are corrupt, he is still so out of touch as to think that "liberty" and "the Constitution" are code words for hate. Kokesh gives voters an alternative to incumbent Congressman Ben Luján and his friends like Dolores Huerta, "who organized the United Farmworkers Union with César Chávez and is a board member of the Democratic Socialists of America. That’s right—a socialist."

Read the full article here:

Thursday, October 15, 2009

James Traficant for President of the United States

I learned about James Traficant about the same time I learned about Ron Paul in the mid 90's. They became my favorite Congressmen from their respective parties. I was a republican at the time so I followed Ron Paul more closely. I lost touch with both of them after 9-11. By 2004, I was done with politics period. Ron Paul cured my apathy in 2007. The revolution needs a breath of fresh air and I think James Traficant is that new energy. If Ron Paul is the greatest statesman then James Traficant is the greatest lawyer. We need a lawyer to convict the criminals who are running things. His entire political carreer has been to expose corruption at the top. If you don't know much about James Traficant, he has a pretty amazing biography but he is best seen in video on the House floor, in Congressional hearing and in his post prison interviews. He is my Presidential candidate for 2012. Check him out.

James Traficant Is Free and should really run for president!

1/3 Greta Van Susteren James Traficant

2/3 Greta Van Susteren James Traficant

3/3 Greta Van Susteren James Traficant

James Traficant ; Railroaded out of Congress 1 of 2

James Traficant ; Railroaded out of Congress 2 of 2

James Traficant Hearing; Reno Commited Treason

James Traficant Hearing; Kick Them In The Crotch

James Traficant; Afraid of Government

James Traficant Hearing; "No Finger Prints!"

American Free Press on Outspoken Jim Traficant